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Park View Veterinary Hospital 01522 683300
Witham St Hughs Branch Surgery 01522 869 581

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Spring Newsletter 2019

Spring Alert! 

This Easter, with lots of human treats around, it is important to make sure you are aware of common items in your home that are poisonous for your pet, and where possible, avoid any exposure. 

Dogs are very susceptible to chocolate toxicity. The stronger the chocolate, the more dangerous it can be and it may cause fatal nerological signs, 

Xylitol is also used as a sweetener in home baking, and cakes made with it, could prove lethal to dogs. 

Read our full newsletter for more info on toxic items. 

Worms are the Worst! 

We all know that we should worm our pets regularly, but it doesn't always seem important, especially when our pets appear perfectly fine! Howver, worms aren;t always obvious and can cause a great deal of damage and general ill health.

So what are the major types of worms we need to be aware of? 

Roundworms are spaghetti-like work that are brown to white in colour. Many pups and kittens are born infected with roundworms because they cross the placenta and are also in the milk. Infect adult dogs show very few signs of roundworms but they can make young pets very poorly. The eggs are also shed in the faeces and are easily picked up on walks. Roundworms can also infect people and have the potential to cause serious health problems, especially in children. Occasionally you might see roundworms in your dog's vomit or faeces, looking like strings of spaghetti. 

Read our full newsletter for further info on: Tapeworms and Lungworm.

Bunny Boosters - Is your bunny vaccinated? 

Vaccinating your rabbit is very importatnt since the infectious diseases we protect them against are extremely serious and often fatal. 

Myxomatosis is probably the one you have heard of. It is common amongst wild rabbits and deadly. It is passed by fleas, which can travel from the countryside into our homes and garden on, us, other pets, and wildlife. Protection by vaccination is the only cure. 

Learn more about bunny boosters here

Caring for your Elderly Cat 

Elderly cats can seem to have the ideal life; snoozing in a cosy bed, eating when they fancy and occasionally demanding attention. They can appear so content, it is easy to assume that they are well in themselves, but their peaceful appearance can be deceiving! 

Sore Joints: One of most common problems for geriatric cats is painful arthritis. The vast majority will suffer with it to some degree but spottin the problem is a challenge. Cats are natural athletes, so they will still be agile to a certain degree, they will jump, climb and play, but with less freedom and frequency. You may notice they don't sleep in a previously preferred spot, if it is higher up, and they hesitate before jumping both up and down. Perhaps they are sleeping more, don't put a lack of activitiy down to age, it could be pain or illness. Is your cat a little more grumpy? Less keen to play or interact with the family? Not grooming themselves? Contact us to arrange a check up. 

For lots more info on elderly cat care and other useful tips click here to view our full newsletter.


Read our Full Newsletter